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This weeks been kind of a doozy, from getting back from my shoot to having to travel again suddenly and my partner leaving for 8 weeks in less than a days notice. It’s just a lot to process, on my third trip this week and back at home for a few days wasn’t handling everything well and family time always seems to help. At the same time I know I’m going to be wearing a lot once I’mback home it’s always been an extra bit of comfort to wear. Thank you guys for all the support and kind messages I promise I’m okay just a little shook up this week 




Very cute, and sorry to hear about the turbulence in your life. Just take it one day at a time.


It happens taking it a day at a time and know it’ll get easier and it’ll get better. Grateful for all the things going right and that life could present bigger problems so I’ll take what I got haha