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Hey everyone,

Honestly it still doesn't feel real atm and I can't thank you guys enough for supporting me.

The process is slow but I'm trying my hand at making the jump from version 7.5 to VX, there's a slew of other benefits but the main ones are much faster loading times, a bunch of additional nodes to animate for hopefully better animations overall and the ability to have four models in a scene (without the use of after effects trickery afterwards).

The main focus right now is making sure I can port over as many characters as possible while retaining their features as best I can, which sadly has presented it's fair share of speedbumps to troubleshoot due to the vastly different way it handles custom bodies. This sadly means I can't just copy paste the custom bodies I used in 7.5 (as this will for whatever reason curse the model with a permenetly ugly face XD), so instead I've had to try and remember specifically which custom faces I used then apply the body meshes with some likely tweaks due to VX's wider variety of customization sliders.

So far my efforts (thanks to MMJ giving a few pointers) have proven fairly successful with Cora, Lillith, Laranja, and Shelly successfully ported with a few tweaks to work out. Cora's fringe now seems to be acting up and I've yet to relocate Laranja's nails so there's still plenty of growing pains as I'm largely trying to avoid just copy pasting entire folders.

And with that in mind it seems inspite of Shelly's mowhawk being a part of the base 7.5 it's seemingly absent in VX's hair library so I've decided to use this as an oppurtunity to have you guys vote on her new hair style. (Please bair in mind that I'll likely play around with the colour and brightness of them once the votes are in). 

At the moment I'm personally leaning towards either 1,5, or 6 and I actually dig the lighter shade of blue (or is that teal? Can never tell these days) though will likely need to darken them slightly as in certain scenes they'll likely glow (though Shelly is the kind of girl that would dye her hair with radioactive goop XD).


Breezy Steel

Well since it's Shelly, I'm gonna go with H5


Aye, H5 I reckon's the closest to retaining the punky mowhawk style


That's what I was thinking was H5 just because to me it has the look of Shelly didnt do her hair in the morning. Congrats on the 3k followers!


I love your art! I really enjoy your videos so far! Keep up the sexy work. Also I was wonder if I could talk to you about a commission if you feel up to it. no worries if not, I always look forward to your next video! thanks