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  • chess match wip.mp4



Hey folks, just figured I'd share a wee update with where am at and projects ave been working on.

I'd say we're about 40-50% through the animation phase for the next project, Red Vs Blue, a Shelly+Raven video where our couple play for who gets to top, and Raven's a soreloser. This project I've been trying to do a couple of new things, in paticular I managed to puttogether a working fight stick for their street fighter match. The idea being it'll be games like chess, "Ze-R-Oh!" card game and good ol rock paper scissors, then between each of these will be the sex poses before we get the final stretch with 2-3 poses back to back. The room's been pretty much finalized outside of needing to design 2 different skateboards as I only currently have 1 done so far (that hang on the wall).

I kinda wish I could do more but I felt I reached a point where we hit a nice balance of a lived in feel without going overboard (I even learned how to extract League of Legends models and make figure statues with them). Was probably a massive waste of time but I went a fair bit out of my way to recreate authentic PAL versions of a collection of PS1 jewel cases which I know these are all details folks won't care much for but I like to think it really adds to the believable vibe.

I've also been trying to bash my head against the wall and finally start working out how to create and convert clothing into TK which has been very challenging. So far though I've only really managed some sunglasses and a pair on horns as they don't need weights but the rest of clothing items need to be weight painted, or what I like to refer to as hell. This is a time consuming process and my lack of experience has been making it a challenge.

Subject to change of course but I've also been brainstorming ideas for future videos and kind of have somewhat a roadmap visualized with Red Vs Blue, then a Gloryhole G0ths 2 concept, followed by what will hopefully line up as the halloween video where Cora comes under a futa vampire curse, and then I Womb Raider featuring Shelly (a concept I started playing around with once we put the outfit together).

Now, I feel it's only fair I'm transparent with all of you, especially how grateful I am for the support you all give. But trying to push in all these directions (especially since honestly the 366 days of daily pin ups takes a fair bit out of each day) has definitely led to me burning out recently and am trying to remedy this, but it's hard to "give myself time" when I feel like am always behind, but I ask that you be patient with me as I consider my options including probably trying to pull back on the size of my animations as yeah, it just feels unsustainable at times.

Anyways, cheers as always for the support and hope you'll enjoy the effort sunk into these projects ^^


Alex White

Shelly + Raven = Hooray! :)


Dang based on wip it looks like it will be a great one again! Also appreciate all the detail wanting to put in the room. Know it might be over kill but ambiance can sure make it so no worries if you feel like its something like to do and enjoy designing. As for needing to take the time no worries! Dont want you to get burned out and just up and quite. This should be fun to do and not dread it cause you reach that point. You do awesome work so happy to support and take time as need :). Been reading a book called "slow productivity" acutally cause experience same thing myself right now. It supports doing things at a natural pace among other things so work with what you feel is good and healthy for you:).