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After the events that led to the Naridyn becoming unbearable, and the rather unorthodox emigration to the New Naridyn thanks to Erika, the Naridynians are eager to explore, expand and gain a much better understanding of the worlds which popular their new solar system.

Despite the inadvertent advancements in mathematics and science accidentally imparted on their species by their teramacro friend (through being asked to help with Araltian homework assignments), the Naridynians are still unable to travel long distances in space unassisted.

Erika is more than happy to help guide the Naridynians to the other worlds in the solar system and back again once they’ve done whatever it was they set out to do, and this is the type of view the world would be greeted with upon their return to the planet.

This picture is a direct sequel to this picture https://www.furaffinity.net/view/47190255/which showed Erika escorting the fleet of ships to the planet, using her own gravity to allow the ships to travel much farther and faster than they would be able to otherwise.

It’s also the first appearance of the Naridynian species which I’ve been poking at designing over the last few months.  I am quite interested in exploring more with Erika’s relationship with the species. As I do love the idea that even after repeat visits from Erika, that it still quite challenging for them as a species to acknowledge Erika as just being just “some alien kid that helped them out.” It’s also really fun exploring it from Erika’s perspective as a character that’s normally shown being reckless and destructive. It’s a fun relationship, so let me know if you’d like to see more of it!

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Neato! Would love to see more of this species

Nines Kitsune

Totally. I adore knowing how civilization interacts with the extreme size scales!