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Niamh's ready to race. Don't keep her waiting!

This picture came together surprisingly fast, something that Niamh is probably quite pleased with.  Sometimes I need to remind myself to just give myself a little push to achieve my goals, and even as just a character, she's a lovely reminder to keep going, keep pushing your abilities and to always do your best at whatever it is you're trying to achieve, whether that be drawing or snowboarding, and you will improve.

Now enough talk, she'll see you at the bottom of this mountain!

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Alexander Opst

I suspect she'll have plenty of time to watch me stumble down, waiting at the finish line, but the encouragement is welcome all the same. Always good to have Niamh at your back- er, leading from way ahead?


Don't worry, she's happy to give you support! A slow time, just means you improve it next time!

Zeke (Xelios)

I think I honestly needed to read this... I need to push myself further, too! Drawing more and improving even if I mess up and fall down, I gotta get back up and keep moving forward! I might not be at the level of Niamh, but I hope one day I can be. She might be even faster by then but that's another goal to reach!


Hi Xelios, Niamh would like to remind you that failing is a big part of self improvement. Do something you enjoy, enjoy it, and you'll keep on improving all the time!