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 Oh no, where did she find that? Put that back, Erika! Oh, blast...

Most teens get banned from the Xbox Live servers for sending abusing messages about another's mother or whatever.  Erika has a far more interesting way of getting banned from Halo!

Joking aside, do ring worlds exist in the Araltys' galaxy?  Probably!  Not under  any kind of natural course, but I could see Araltians creating unusual worlds just because they can.

I really need to draw more of Erika just having fun. It's what she does best. And this is a fun idea for a ring world that avoids the clichés of well, "ring" ring-worlds.

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I imagine that would be quite dizzying after a-while c.c Though also quite the interesting and confusing view. Look "up" across to the other side to see her and then stretching off to the non-existent horizons left and right more of Erika


Yeah, it must be quite the situation from anyone on said planet!