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 And now for something completely different.

Instead of a colour poll, (As I'm still working on the last one!), I've been doing a bit of really rough sketching lately, trying to work on composition and such.  What would you like to see turned into a full on sketch?
How it works?  Because there's so many pictures to choose from, I've give you five votes this time. 

Do not vote for the same picture twice or I'll only count it once.
I may do two or three of these depending on the complexity of the top few.

Time to get voting! 

Click here to vote: https://goo.gl/forms/91PpJPdsENP4qXIY2 

All the pictures can be viewed here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/3ym1p53yn5a9oti/AACLL-LiahNNhmNyAo9kNbmBa?dl=0



This poll made me realize that my name on here is actually my full name instead of my actual internet label hahaha. glad I looked at that you probably would have negated my vote :p


If I'm unsure who someone is I can generally work out who it is. But it's there just in case people who aren't on the patreon start voting.