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"Boruto held on as long as he could but it was practically impossible to resist a wonderful felatio made by his own mother, this taste that Hinata has in his mouth will stay engraved in his mind for a long time".

Hi fellas,
sorry for the delay but I hope you like this page as much as I do.




It’s perfect


I want to see hinata’s big ass. Just like p.14┏ (^ω^)=


I think there was a small error. It's not a deal breaker but still. You said, this taste that Hinata has in his mouth will stay engraved in his mind for a long time. I think you meant to say her right? But on a serious not I do wonder if she realizes he was awake after that climax. Then again there is such a thing as wet dreams. Great job!


its great


bien justo lo que me receto el doctor lo estaba esperando con ansias cada día checaba hasta que vi que tengo activadas las notificaciones XD