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Dev Journal 11.01.2023

This month we have added and updated the tavern mini game. Now it is a replayable mini game that you can improve yourself at and earn lots of money. This enables our player to manage their savings and spend them however they want.

In the second half of January, another update is on it’s way. In that update, we will add a room where Destor can sleep, store his items and another cool feature that we keep as a secret.

We also plan to add events that can be triggered when certain conditions when met. This will allow us to portray a better living Sandsworth. Destor will be able to encounter interesting characters and interact with them.

We will add a day tracking system that shows the days and allow our players to check and plan their days. You will be able to see which day is it and which day of the month we are currently in. There will be special events that Destor can participate in special days.

We want to build Realm of Dominance’s base game mechanics so we can start adding the content we have written and designed. You will be seeing frequent updates when we reach this state of this game and it is not far away from our current state.

Tavern was a good implementation and there will be more workplaces such as tavern that will allow our player to work at and earn money and unlock scenes.

Adding tavern was such a rush for us, it helped us to see how much we have improved ourselves as game developers. It had so many aspects that we needed to plan and design carefully. We changed the UI many times as we needed to decide how much information we needed to show our player and what was the best way to do it. We also worked on balancing the tavern mini game’s difficulty. Right now it works as intented but we will be adding some side elements that will help the game run smoother. The moment we finished the tavern’s basic game mechanics, we wanted to make it a place where our players can upgrade and invest on it as a side income provider. We made it so  that it can easily be adjusted and updated with new content. So, from time to time we will be making changes and adding new stuff to it.

Right now, our plan is to finally add the role playing mechanics to our game and put Destor in a more interactive world. We hope you will enjoy the next update.

Also, don’t forget that we need your help and support as always!

Have a great day!
-Morte Dara



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