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  • Fixed pre-fight dialogue errors. It doesn't make fight unplayable again. 
  • Fixed another glitch that causes player to interact with moves during the battle execution phase. 
  • Resized some of dialogue panels, a few of them were annoyingly large. 
  • Save system wasn't tracking some loses and wins, now it's fixed.
  • Fixed some dialogue options that didn't check the track of the player's progress.
  • Fixed the S-Moves triggering skills, they didn't respond and kept crashing the game.
  • Fixed Livia's event that supposed to unlock Gloria's fight. Now Gloria will be unlocked after Livia is defeated.
  • Fixed Gloria's taunting skill crashing the game. 

These are the fixed items for now. If we receive any feedback or bugs from you in the coming days, we will be fixing the bugs immediately. For now, these are the issues we came across.

Thank you for your support! <3




We are currently fixing some new found bugs. If we can fix them in an hour or so, we will publish the build immediately. We have eliminated all the problems, just this one stands. The problem is, the bug occurs the second time you fight and get caught by your opponents. This is why it was hard to find in testing.


We found that our main camera is causing this problem in fights, we are fixing it now.