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Full disclosure, I’m cycling through a bit of an ADHD moment where I’m working on multiple stories and an animated short at the same time, all of which require focus that I’m not able to sustain for each project individually right now. When I’m in this mindset, I just have to plug away on something until I hit a block  and jump to another project and do more on it until they all slowly get done. Right now I’m trying to finish the Boo vampire story in time for Halloween so you’ll start seeing new pages from that next month. It’ll still be a work in progress but you’ll get the gist of where it’s going. The next Boo animated short is the closest to being done but it requires a lot of editing, so that should drop between Thanksgiving and  Christmas. And the first installment of the Alpha story is also in the works and I may start showing WIP pages for that later in the fall too.
The other aspect of ADHD, at least for me, is that while I’m in the middle of juggling these other projects, I’ll get a flash of inspiration and can crank out a finished image in a short time, hence this Sylk Savage image. But it’s not wasted effort because doing these scenarios allows me to better conceptualize the character’s personalities, so when I finally get to doing the long form story, it should go faster. My daily life is very structured and scheduled so I allow my ADHD to have full reign when it comes to my erotic work! Thank you again for your patient patronage!
Until then, enjoy Sylk in another bondage scene 😁





Oh my, this is going to be hott on so many levels!


...Thank you for telling us so a least we know what to expected for the next coming months.