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Ok! Another Bigger Butz story comes to an end (for now!)… I hope it was enjoyed and I appreciate your comments more than I can say! I already have plans for Dexter and his Daddy, but they’ll have to get back in line for a while. 

This Patreon has allowed me to be far more productive than I had been prior to 2020( and we all know what happened that year!). However, with that productivity came an almost over abundance of ideas for stories and characters I want to bring to you all. 

When I started this, my main characters were Boo, Lil Big Dick, Oasis, Principal Hard Knox, Cousin Bubba and few others here n there with only Boo really getting the lion’s share of attention.

 Since 2020, I’ve intro’d or given attention to Bigger Butz, Farmer Goodseed, Wild Boris, The members of the Chunky Trunk Crew, and brought back Officer PoPo Perkins and T-Bolt from “Jail Trade Unleashed” for guest cameos in “House of Hard Knox”.  

I‘m finding more opportunities to overlap characters and do more work-building than I ever thought possible when I first started and it’s been thanks to being able to regularly publish my ideas here for you good, patient supporters (I want a new word specific to my fans and clientele… Boovians? The Boo Hive?). Maybe a poll on this is in order…

Anyway, as some may remember, I’d originally had another story planned for this slot before “When Bigger Met Boo“ got moved ahead because it was in better shape. That other story was to feature the premiere of a strange new character, Sweet Baby Milkbone, plus the return of several characters last seen in “House of HardKnox“ and I’m happy to say that story has been completed and ready to roll in a week from now!   

And,no, I haven’t forgotten about Alpha. He’s next in-line, hook or crook, and I’ll be working on that while “Sweet Baby Milkbone“ is running. My goal is to have new stories going forward with no major breaks inbetween. 

Which reminds me, how did we like having the stories broken up into four page installments this go round rather than a page every other day? It felt good to me, but let me know your thoughts.

Thanks and stay tuned!





Please keep up the 4 per week. If you ever feel generous do 8 per week. 😂 I'm so happy that you are so productive. I've been following your for a long time. Even before the lulu bookstore😆! I love how in tune you seem to be..


Amazing storytelling! Truly enjoy reading/watching your work!