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I’m pretty sure I posted the art of this story without dialogue a long ago, but I recently got around to finishing the writing it to prep it for sale in my Gumroad store. So, since I need a bit more time to get the next Bigger Butz story ready, I figured I’d post the finished pages here with newly added filthy dialogue. The focus is on feet fetishry, but there is some fuckin’ too. Enjoy! 😁





This looks good. *Sidebar: How do you search back through to see your older posts? I tried typing in the year but it didn’t work. Then I tried typing in the month but nothing really comes up. I think you made a precious post about it, if I’m not mistaken.


There should be an area on the main page listed as ‘Latests Posts’ and below that should show options to search previous posts by month and hashtags. I recommend using a browser to access patreon rather than their app (it’s trash). The site works better through the browser. Patreon has been a godsend for creators who aren’t tech savvy or have the time to build their own site but it isn’t the most user friendly and has a haphazard interface. Hopefully they’ll work the bugs out sooner than later!


I love this story!