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Ok so Oasis was the first character I created, predating Boo by a couple of years and the first installment of his story appeared in a self published chap book done in the mid 90’s and was finally finished years later and included in the anthology of my early stories, Brothers of New Essex. Anyway, one of my goals for this Patreon, besides creating new stories, is to eventually  revisit and colorize older stories. In the case of Oasis’s debut story, I haven’t been able to find the originals to rescan and only have access to some pretty crappy copies. Regardless, I wasn’t happy with the uneven combo of digital and handlettering, and towards the end of the story, I rushed the drawings a bit and I think I’m just a stronger artist than I was back then so I‘ve started the process of  redrawing and re-lettering the story (on the side. This won’t be finished anytime soon!). I’ve included the original copy, the redrawn art and finally the relettered page. The ultimate plan is to colorize the whole story as a companion piece to the sequel story, “Boo vs Oasis” (also available for download in my Gumroad store). Anyway, as I said on a previous post, the postings for this month will be a bit random with various single illustrations and newly created images of characters who haven’t gotten stories yet.
So stay tuned and thanks always!




One of my favorites from you. I bought in on Lulu way back!!! I can’t find that file anywhere


Just made a purchase from there . . . . .