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Hope you enjoyed th’ ride as much as Bigger and th’ Bois did! How about that mother of his? And stay tuned for Bigger’s next adventure… once I decide what it’ll be! I have so many other characters I need to do stories, like Alpha Dawg! But given that I schedule these posts months before you will finish reading them ( I’m currently typing this mid May), who knows what will be coming next! Whatever it is, I hope to continue to entertain and arouse you and know that I appreciate and am inspired and motivated by your support!





Love it


This one has definitely had its twists and turns! Loved it. I hope this one and the one before it will be added on LULU!


Unfortunately my Lulu store is no longer. I was prepping to offer print editions of my books and was getting proofs printed when someone at Lulu flagged my content. It’s weird to me that they’re fine with providing downloads but a hick printer can flag my books as “inappropriate”. Anyway, I’m in the process of migrating my downloadable books over to Gumroad, so when I offer this and the previous Bigger story for purchase, it’ll be on another platform other than Lulu. The hunt is still in for finding a decent printer for hard copies though.