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Here's what you need to know about the patron benefits starting in May.


All backers, including Lv.0, will be able to participate by commenting on the survey post for that time period with a description of the work they'd like to see done (a request). May will be a test run for this benefit, and as an example of how we'll run future surveys, the July survey will run from June to July 21 (3 weeks).

Voting on requests

All Lv.1 and Lv.2 backers can participate, and everyone can vote multiple times. During that time, we'll vote on the results of the polls, and based on the results, we'll work on monthly requests for backers.  The finished uncensored png will only be available to Lv.1 and Lv.2 backers, just like the existing work. There may be changes during the May test.

We'd love to hear what you think about this. Let us know what you think and we'll take it into account :-)


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