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So you won't be charged again until I reactivate the billing cycle.

The reason I've paused the Billing is because my patreon is not profitable and my bank account is almost in red numbers, so I'm going to focus 100% on commissions in the following months until my encomonical situation improves.

Once I reach a safe economy level, I'll come back to patreon and I'll contine with the last part of Love Shogunato.

I'll probably do changes in a few  months, maybe I'll draw less pages of Love Shogunato, but I'll include an animation and maybe a single page of new very short comics.


Aside of that, this month you'll receive the 6 comic pages of August, I'll post the sketches very soon <3

Also going to do new packs with the NMK and LS pages, so you can get all the pages easily <3


Thanks a lot for your support!



Take your time doing what you need to do, we will be here when you're ready!