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I hope you like the animation of the month ^^


First of all, thanks to all for your support! I can draw all this art thank to you <3


My patreon income have been reduced extremely, and now I can't pay my bills only with patreon money. I've been thinking a lot about the reasons and I just have one thing clear: I'm spending too much time (years) in finish my current comics and maybe my patreon need refreshind stories. 

So, first of all, starting next month, I'll focus my patreon totally in draw both comics, I'll do an extra page of each comic each month, and if things in patreon goes better, I'll try to do two extra pages of each comic every month. That way I'll be able to finish the comics sooner, but I won't rush anything of the story.

So, from now, I'll draw exclusively comic pages in my patreon. Every month I'll draw 3 comic pages of No More Kings and 3 pages of Love Shogunato. (6 comic pages total)

So each month I'll send you 6 comic pages. And if things goes better, I'll do more comic pages each month.

When I finish both comics I'll start new ones, and I'll think if I keep this method of comic pages only , or I do illustrations and animations again.

My next comics will be focus more in slice of life, more humour and more sex.



Elizabeth Wright

Does that mean no more animations? I love all your content!


Thanks a lot Elizabeth! I'll focus in comic pages only, and when I finish the comics, I'll probably do animations again. I've been forced to do that because my earnings reduced to the half in a few months, so I have to change anything or I won't be able to keep my patreon open.