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This new year will be very special to me, for personal reasons, but also this year will be important in terms of personal projects.

In 2022 I'll finish No More Kings and probably Love Shogunato, so I'm preparing the returning of What a twist! 2    I also have other little comic project that may like to draw first, just to develop the art style for WaT!2

And, about art style, I've been watching my old works and I've noticed that I haven't improved too much in the past 2 years. I know that I only have to draw and draw to keep improving but I've discovered that I really need to do specific art practise to really understand what I'm drawing.    

So far I draw anatomy just because I memoriced the body, but I really need to UNDERSTAND what I'm really drawing, muscles and such. I think that's the key I need for improving. Also using references are helping me a lot with anatomy.

I also need to work in my art style. Since I'm not drawing commissions so far, I'm free to experimenting new styles, and I hope I could evolve to something cool soon.

Thats the reason in the next months the series of the month will be my art practise, that I'll also become in step by step tutorials. (I'll upload the steps in the next post in a .gif file, like an animation)

I hope you find interesting those art studies, I'll try to keep the art sexy for your enjoyinment, also I hope you find the tutorials useful.

Thanks for your support <3




Será muy interesante ver los diferentes estilos y como experimentas cada mes. Estoy deseando verlo.

Mr. Morebucks

🅱️ooty (Jokes, aside, these are some great character studies!)