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HI! I just send the comic pages to your patreon inbox, also I posted the pages in low resolution in the previous post.

I want to ask you some questions, that will help me to offer you better content <3

1- Do you think its easy to have access to your rewards? Aside of the rewards I send you to your patreon inbox, I post all the previous pages in my patreon timeline. Please let me know if it's easy for you to get the older pages ^^

2- Do you think the plot of the comics its easy to understand?  I have a concern about Love Shogunato. Not sure if the plot is too complex or they way I'm telling it is wrong. Aside of that, feel free to ask me any question about the comics.

3- Would you mind if I upload straight/bi themed pics in the future?

4- Every month I do 3 comic pages, 1 animation and 3 illustrations. Do you think this content is enough for the money you're pledging?

You can answer those questions leaving a comment here or via patreon private message.

Si tu idioma es el español, puedes contestarme en español.

Thanks a lot!!!!



1- well its my first patreon month of you, for now, I found it pretty good, just need see in others months :) 2- For the comic, its seem easy, just need to look if need more clear or not 3- Well, I am not against this ideas, I prefer gay but look others themed is always good ^^ 4- It's your choice, you can make 2 tiers, one for finish commision, pages comics, finish animations and a higher Tier where you will have previous rewards + wip of each stuff you draw or animate. Hope it will help you ^^


1: I think they’d be easier to get if you had tagged your pages. Then people can hit that tag and anything with the same tag pops up so they can get the pages better. 2: the comic plot is alright. Bit of a slow burn style and that’s perfectly fine 3: I don’t mind, personally not into it. But if you want to do one then by all means go for it 4: that is PLENTY!


1: Yes, it's easy 2: Yes, I think it understandable. 3: I think the content is up to you. I wouldnt mind, even though I might not be as attracted to them 4: I think your volume is FINE! I would rather see well-done work than more that is rushed


¡Hola, Leobo! Un hispanohablante aquí ^^. No suelo intervenir mucho en este tipo de redes, pero creo que lo menos que podemos hacer es responder a estas preguntas, por si te sirve de ayuda. 1 – En mi caso, nunca he tenido problemas para acceder a tus recompensas. Quizá algún patreon nuevo tenga dificultades en llegar a las páginas más antiguas de los cómics, pero eso se puede solucionar navegando en la timeline de la página. Además, he visto que sueles mandar recopilatorios, así que no creo que tengan problemas en conseguirlas :) 2 – Los dos cómics son absolutamente geniales, aunque mi favorito es Love Shogunato. Su argumento es fácil de entender y a mi juicio lo estás comunicando bien. La política y el romance se entrelazan de forma inmejorable, los personajes tienen una gran profundidad psicológica, y además el estilo de dibujo es espectacular. No creo que se pueda pedir más a este cómic, es fantástico. 3 – Por mi parte ningún problema, la variedad siempre es bienvenida. 4 – El contenido está absolutamente adecuado al precio :) Sin más que decir, te deseo mucha suerte con lo que queda de los cómics. Estoy deseando ver cómo termina la historia de Love Shogunato. En su día me gustó mucho What a Twist, pero creo que este lo supera. ¡Un saludo!


Hi there! 1. Yes, I think it’s easy enough. 2. Plot is just fine. 3. I like every type of content so, yes, it’s fine by me. 4. The thing is: you are providing more than enough content for this kind of money. And in great quality imo. Thank you for all your nice and fine content!


Yes to all because the simple answer is u give us all what you got plus you are doing fantastic job


1.Idk, i'm always up to date but i guess it is 2.I think it's very well written. Yes it is more complex but not harder to read or understand 3.It's not my target content but I don't mind 4.For the money I pay, it's more than enough, usually people give less


Thanks a lot! and yeah, I love to do sketches, but I think I prefer to do finished works instead. ALso I can do finished works with different artstyles ^^


Muchas gracias!!!! agradezco mucho tus palabras, de verdad! a veces me vuelvo inseguro sobre el rumbo que toman mi arte y mis cómics, así que escuchar tu opinión me ayuda mucho &lt;3


1. Yes it’s easy enough to access the rewards. 2. Yes the plot is easy to follow 3. Seeing more bi content would be cool but I also love your current stuff and Bastien/Romeo content 4. Your current content quantity is plenty enough