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thanks a lot for your support! <3

I hope you all have a happy new year!!!

I'm not good with words but I need to say something ^^

This year have been the most important to me, due family reasons. 

Also my patreon have grown a lot! so I feel very grateful to you all <3

Aside of the global pandemic, and my stressfull new life style, I thank God for all I got.

Even in those moments when I wasn't sure about my art, and constantly fighting the delay in my works, I'm happy to finnaly reach this point.

My life is super busy, but I feel I'm having a 'complete' life.

About my future art:

In this new year, I'll continue drawing my comics Love Shogunato and No More kings, and a montly animation and pic series.

We're in the middle of both comics, also I'm close to reach the goal of drawing an extra page of No More Kings!

If the things keep improving in my patreon, I'll do less commissions at month, and I'll focus in create more content for patreon. (Patrons can have a comm always they want)

So thanks again! 

I can do this thanks to you <3




Thank you for amazing work and I know we will continue to cheer you on and support you 😊


It's what I am here for nwn)/


I wish you a better new year! And good health! And whatever you will wish for!