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Are available for patrons.

This month I drew for patrons 2 comic pages, 1 comic strip and some color sketches.

I'll post those rewards in low res in my galleries in some weeks.

If you like what I do and want to support my art, please consider support my patreon.

What a twist! is really close to the end. Once I finish it I'll continue with my next comic project 'Love Shogunato'

Love Shogunato will be a short comic, focused on love and war. And I'll aply all what I've learned from drawing WaT!.

Also I'll continue drawing many sketches, I'll draw many popular furry characters and I'll try new art styles.

Right now I'm drawing the 6 pages comic strip 'pussyboy' and when I finish it, patrons will vote the next comic strip idea.

Thanks to all for your support. <3

If you have any suggestion about how I can improve my patreon (rewards and more) feel free to leave a comment or write a private note.




Good job! Keep up bro!&lt;3)))