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Big changes in my life (also special info for patrons at the end of the post)

In a couple of weeks I'll move from the city to the countryside and my life will change completely.

I want to make a family, I want to live in a place where my cats have space to run, also having a garden to grow my own food like tomatoes and such.

This new place don't have public services (just electricity and internet) we'll need a well for the water. The place is very rustic and needs a lot of work (painting, repair walls, roof...)  

But at this point of my life, this is the change I need.

Aso due my low budget, the living in this place will be cheaper than the live in the city.


Right now my current place is a mess, all the rooms are full of paperboard boxes, the move is a stressfull moment but its time to throw all the old and useless things that I was hoarding.

I'm not a super spiritual person, but I'm feeling that I'm surpasing my past and I hope I'll become in the better version of me.


The next months will be hard, I'll try to acomplish my work schedule and work in the new house. I know I'll be able to sleep just a few hours every night, but I'm happy. 

I'll try to give life signals!


Special info to my commissioners:

Right now I'm finishing the inks of all the pics. Once I send them to all of you I'll continue with the color.  I'll need  some weeks to do the color, but you'll finally receive the complete via FA note.

Once I finish those pics I'll open commissions again ^^

Special info to my patrons:

Every month I draw for patrons: 

- 1 comic strip 

- 1 YCH pic 

- 3 comic pages.

This month only the 3 comic pages remain.

Right now I'm sketching the pages, I'll do my best to try to finish those pages before the end of the month.

In the next months I want to upload more drawings to my patreon, like personal doodles and such. So that way you'll see many uploads every week.  

Can't thank you all enough for your support <3

What a twist! is a reality thanks to you. Also thanks to your support I can continue drawing the comic every month. 

The comic will have around 90 pages, right now I'm drawing the pages 65 - 67. All the remains pages will be full of sexy scenes, also the latests pages will have the most sweet and romantic scene of all the comic.

But remember, this comic is called what a twist! after all. <3

As you all may now I'm planning to draw the 2º part where Bastian dad will appear and he will have an important role in the comic.

I promise a lot of humour and kinky things :3


Steve Du

Yourself comes first before anything else. Take care what you need and the rest will follow through. I wish you the best on the move and new lifestyle!


Best of luck with the move and renovations! I hope that it's everything you want it to be.


Good luck Leobo! I know it will work out for you 😁