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HI to all! I've been thinking about the rewards I'm offering. 

Sometimes I think that I produce a lot of art but the comic pages are now a bit less important. 

However the main reason to create this patreon was drawing the comic.

Right now I draw every month: 

2 Comic pages.

1 Comic strip.

4 Illustrations.

1 Threesome pic

1 YCh pic.

And I wonder if It would be nice to draw an extra comic page every month instead of the 4 illustrations and the treesome pic.

This would be the result:

3 Comic pages.

1 Comic strip

1 YCH pic.

What do you think?

Also I've been thinking in unify Diamond and Alpha tiers.

The result would be a new 15$ tier where all the rewards from 10$ and 20$ pledges were merged.

1$, 2$ 5$ would be the same. (minus the voting thing, since won't be pics from the art survey)

15$ pledge would have:

-Plot survey

-You don't have to wait queue in commissions. 10€ discount in the final price.

-You can appear in the comic as a cameo.

-You can get a free YCH pic.


What do you think? I accept suggestions!

Also please vote in this poll your preference.

If you have any question, please ask!

The new rewards (in case that you prefer it) will start in February.

Also the results of the poll will be orientative. To be honest, I'll aply the new rewards in case that MOST of the people vote for the new system ^^



You need to do what you feel comfortable with. These things should be more about supporting an artist and not catering to patrons. Please... do what you feel you should do!


Thank you! it just that sometimes I think that doing what I feel comfortable with is not enough to compensate all the support I've receving from you all. And I'm always thinking the way to give you all better rewards. However I don't want to produce art in a mechanical way. The illustrations from the art survey help me to try new art styles and draw the characters in many situations. but I don't know how interesting you all find that. I also think: hey my patreon is not working as good as it should, then I must be doing something wrong. So finally thought that I should focus in the main reason of my patreon: the comic.


Myself, I have kind of an old-fashioned view about patronage. I support an artist, not because of what I get out of it, but because I think the artist is good and want to see more of his/her work


Thanks a lot! I think many of patrons think that way. I think the 'problem' is just from my part, I worry too much, most the the time.

Jake Northcote

I always liked the surveys for the 4 illustrations and threesome pic. Made this whole thing more interactive. Sad to see those go :/


I'll keep interactive things in my patreon. Also I have in mind a new goal where people vote for a illustration with some alt versions. I would be doing just one pic but more detailed. To be honest I didn't received many feedback (comments or likes) in the pics from the art survey, so I though many people are tired of them. so it's time to find somethig different, more interesting. I really appreciate you enjoyed the pics!


LOL! Dont worry so much! I, for one, and quite happy with your work!