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Layouts for the pages 49/50 

I'll finish those pages soon ^^


Thanks again guys <3 I've reached a new goal! 

So next month I'll start drawing a comic strip every month with sexy/fun situations with the comic characters :3


It's time for the next goal! 

Idea for the next goal:  Ask questions to the comic characters! They can do things under your request! (I'll draw a panel with the character in front of his webcam 'talking to you') 






How do we ask questions?


Probably I'll use the page random.org and it will pick 1 - 2 patrons at month and they will ask a question to the character. Then I'll draw a pic with the character answering it. Example: Question for Bastian, Your mane looks pink, ¿Do you dye your hair? Example2: Question for Kevin. ¿Do you still thinking in Romeo?


I'm liking where this is going! And I did have a quick question about the finished page(s) with text. Will that be available here at all or will it be sent via email? Because I'm trying to find the 2 previous pages (47/48) in not only color but has text (if any). So I'm not sure if I had missed that before becoming a patron or not, but just wondering is all. Love your art and can't wait to see more!