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And that's it for chapter 25! WOW!! The longest chapter in Sakana history I think? 34 whole pages, I really need to cut back to the normal 24 from here on out or this final volume's gonna be massive lol. (I will not cut back because I'm dumb and work too much!) 

I can't believe this part of the story is finally over after like 10 years of teasing it. I CAN FINALLY MOVE ON TO THE REST OF THE STORY! We're starting off with Taro next chapter baybeeeeeeeeeeeee 😎👌




GAAAAAHAHAHAHHAAHHAAHAHA I FUCKING LOVE TAISEI!! my favorite eel man <3 congrats on finishing the chapter!!!


oh my god did I seriously say Taisei instead of Yuudai. I'm a fake decades-long Sakana fan, smh


Ahahaha yeah Yuudai, don't let him fulfill his need to know everything that happened! (as long as WE know, it's okay)