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Hey everybody! As you may have read in my previous posts, I've been trying to put together a little concept art portfolio and painting a bunch of mimic chests towards that end. 

It's been a bit difficult to switch back and forth between comic pages and concept art, so I'm going to give myself an early christmas present and take the next few weeks off of comic production to focus on concept. I'm VERY proud of my nearly 30 new uninterrupted Sakana updates (a personal record, probably!) but I need some focus time before the holidays hit me like a truck. 

I'll be posting the SUPER JOG comic from Volume 3 on the website 3x a week for the next 4 weeks, and will be back to drawing new pages and posting them here to Patreon in the first week of January. I'll also be posting updates on my concept pieces here over the next few weeks, but I understand completely if you'd like to pause your pledge while I work through this break! 

Thanks everybody for the Sakana enthusiasm lately! I'm so happy everyone is excited to have it back and it feels really great to get through these big scenes I've been imagining for so many years! VERY VERY EXCITED to get to the next chapter as well! Everybody's been waiting for this Tachibana family dinner for so many years, but wait till you see what I've got planned next 😈👌

So, in closing, if you'd like to pause your pledge for a bit, no worries! Thanks for your support and I hope you're excited as I am to see how these little mimic guys turn out! There will be new Sakana updates here on Patreon in the first week of January, and the comic will resume the normal twice a week schedule on the website the following week. 




Good luck and enjoy your time off!


Good luck Mad, happy to keep supporting you throughout!