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Hey everybody! Sorry for the lack of posts in the past few weeks, I was swamped getting ready for, and then attending SPX this past weekend! I had a blast at the con and now I'm gearing up for Superstar Comic Con in Savannah, GA on the 23-24th! 

This isn't something I do very often, but...I decided to slip another page in between two I'd already made. I guess that's the benefit (curse???) of having a big buffer like this, I have more opportunity to go back and make edits before the pages go live on the public site. Also, I made the 'first' page 611 (now page 612) after a longer break from the other pages, and it felt like it moved too fast after rereading them in sequence. So here's NEW page 611, which more properly introduces Genkei's family (instead of having him name them in the coming pages). I've reposted 612 as well so you can read the pages together. 

Everything reads like this now: 

IN GOOD NEWS: Gannon started a new job! 

IN BAD NEWS: Gannon got Covid! :( 

I'm still testing negative at this point but there's a chance I might contract it in the next few days so I'm not sure how that might affect my schedule (or whether or not I can make the con!) If everything goes well and I can skate by without contracting it: I've already thumbnailed pages 613-616, so I'm hoping to have at least a few of those done before I have to head out to the next con a week from now.



Cris Hylton

Ooh, this flow is really good! And the little flustered Yuudai shrinking in on himself between the Tachibana brothers adds a lot to set the mood, in addition to setting the scene location wise.