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Oh my god, this file almost destroyed my 5+ year old laptop. 500 dpi, textured tones, probably way too many layers...it took 3 minutes to save sometimes. This might be the only two-page spread in the comic (and certainly the most background heavy) so I'm hoping the rest of the pages will be a little less stressful for the old comp. 

I'm not super happy with the title font here, but I'm going for FINISHED not PERFECT right now, so I'll probably wait until I've got a bigger page buffer to go back and do some more lettering experiments. 

I'm scared to try and boot up the unflattened files again to get breakdown shots, but here's the original rough and an in-progress screencap that I posted to Twitter: 

As you can see I have the horrible habit of breaking out each individual piece and working on it separately, which is probably how I got a nearly 1GB file in the end lol. 

Now on to pages 1-3! 💪




ohh my god this is gorgeous