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Oh hey! Character development??

I'm switching gears to RR pages now, and because they take longer to make than Sakana pages, I'll be posting rough versions of each page and then final versions later.

Unlike Sakana, which has a fairly simple traditional thumbnail --> pencil --> ink process, RR is digital has an additional step that I call the "rough" stage. It's more detailed than thumbnails, but usually still needs some extra cleanup in the pencil phase before I move on to ink.

Digital-only pages still feel tricky to me, and I have a tendency to make every panel really close up and crammed. To combat this, I try to stay as zoomed out as possible to keep the whole page on screen at once. I also try to draw as fast and loose as possible. That way it feels more like drawing a page on physical paper.

Also, RR Chapter 2 will be grayscale because I love myself and coloring the first chapter is what made it so difficult for me to get through lol. But hopefully this translates to MORE COMICS FASTER, which I think everybody can get behind!

(and yes I did take pictures of my hand for this page! ref is important!)




Yay! I can't wait to see more of this universe and these adorable guys! I wonder what drawing program is in those hand photos?


Greyscale is rad! It worked out well for manga. 💖