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Well...I really had it in my head that, as the years wore on without new Sakana pages, it would get harder and harder to ever go back. But lo and behold THE BODY REMEMBERS. I guess, EVEN ALMOST 4 YEARS LATER, it's harder than I thought to forget something you've already done 600 times lol. 

What really helped me get ready to jump back in was rereading the 3 books, and, maybe even more so, rereading all the comments on the website updates. I've been so blessed this past decade+ with fantastic and thoughtful readers who really made me feel seen and appreciated as a webcomic artist. This is for you! Thanks so much for your patience while I figured my shit out! 

As I said in my last Sakana announcement, I'll be posting pages to Patreon as I finish them until hopefully the beginning of July. I'm already in contact with Hiveworks to refresh the website too! Exciting stuff!! 

Here's some process and closeups! 



Does this look a little different than it used to? I hope I'm at least a bit better of an artist after finishing like 300 other comic pages between the Bunt! graphic novel and Robber/Robert. Also the WHOLE PANDEMIC HAS HAPPENED SINCE SAKANA LAST UPDATED. What the hell is time, man.....

Anyway, I hope you're all as excited for the return as I am! I'm still trying to take things a little slowly, so I'm going to hold off on formal public announcements for a little while (or at least until I have a few more pages finished.) 

Totally lost on the plot at this point? Or are you a Robber/Robert reader who hasn't checked out my EVEN OLDER project? Check out the site to read the whole thing for free! And keep an eye out for improvements and art updates coming later in the spring! 




Padoo Emantsalon

"I'm pretty sure I'm dreaming or in a coma right now." you and me both, jiro, goddamn!!!