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Hey everybody! I just wanted to do a little check in and let you know that more updates are on the way in the second half of March! I was at ECCC in the beginning of the month and then had to travel to my parents' house for a few days to pick up little Gizmo (my dog, in case you're new here!) which also ate up another week. Now I'm BACK at my desk and BACK to work. 

IN COOL NEWS: I'm finalizing the pitch for Robber/Robert Chapter 2 this week and, barring any feedback, will hopefully start work thumbnailing this month! EXCITING! 

After THAT is hashed out, I'm hoping to take time (like, lots of time) to very *very* gently and slowly turn some of my attention back towards Sakana. Getting back to it has been difficult largely in part because of how difficult a time I was having mentally while I was making Volume 3. At the time I didn't realize that what was causing me so much turmoil, but ALSO 100% powering the creation of Sakana, was a big ol' undiagnosed case of GAD. (Which is why it's so hard for all the characters to do anything without getting really anxious about it hahaHA! LIFE IMITATES ART!!) Now that that's been largely resolved (and I've been feeling GREAT for about a year and a half now!) I sometimes worry that I'll have trouble matching the voice of the comic after all this time. BUT, I think what I really need to do is just give myself like 2 weeks to re-read it a few times, write down some notes, and start figuring it out one chapter at a time. 

So, all of this to say: expect more art and comics in the coming days, weeks, months, years, the rest of my life, etc! Thanks for your support! <3



Proud of all your hard work, and excited to see wherever you go next 💖


Exciting news! Take all the time you need. 💖