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Fox Mcloud in the Star Fox animated thingie vs his father in A Fox In Space.

One odd thing I noticed comparing anthropomorphic animals between eastern and western production is that each seems to have a predominant style. Western animated furries are more often "Disney-esque", having softer features and large eyes with large irises. Eastern, predominantly Japanese furries, on the other hand, have much blunter features and eyes that are either small or have small irises. Whiskers are also usually present in Japanese animation, while they're very rare in western films.

Of course this is not universal, but I observed this even in the furry community. Western furries, even those highly inspired by anime, tend to still give "Disney-esque" features, while kemono artists still tend towards eastern norms.

I find this fascinating because it seems that nobody addresses this. Even in fandoms with high popularity across the Pacific, like Beastars, are affected by this, with western fans usually "Disneyfying" the characters.


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