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Hi everyone, 

Patreon just informed me about the new tax laws

I wanted to give you an update on some changes that we’ll be seeing which may affect some of your pledges.  Due to new laws passing in several countries and US states, Patreon  will be required to start charging sales tax on some pledges starting July 1st. 

Less  than half of all patrons will be charged sales tax, and for most, the  amount will be very small. For example, sales tax rates in the US range  from 4% to 11%, so on a $5 pledge, that would be between 20 cents and 55  cents.  

Thank you for all of your support. 



Hey Neo you should consider to make more updates of Yakuza's Deal, with the version where the boss take over the girl's body (and not the boyfriend) that story is really cool !

Seweryn Rutkowski

I understand. I'm telling you in the hope that you'll do just fine, the parasite genre is promising these days, so I think it would be good to try it to attract more fans. Well, from what you've done so far, I think you'll be able to pull it off perfectly.