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Hello everyone!

I wanted to get this update to you all this weekend, but, well...I failed :/

So, as I've mentioned in the past, I've been needing a change for a while now. I've had access (and somewhat have been using) a few different tools for creating content for a year or more that could/would really change the quality and ease in which I make stuff. But...I've just needed the time.

The SEARG was made as a way to cover content for a transitional period where I was moving, changing doctors, and just getting into a better place. Since I don't ever know how to say 'No, that's too much', I let it balloon out of scope. Now there are continuity errors that *eventually* would get noticed and confusing, and I don't have too many shorts left, mostly because the last two weeks were supposed to last another month instead of two big posts.

So where does this leave us? Time to take a step back and look at what's coming up, and how to get there. Here's the plan for this week, next month, and the rest of this year.

Sometime this week I will post the final video in this 'arc' of the SEARG, and we will bring the experiment to an end. Over the course of September, I will publish the remainder of the unreleased content, upload the released content to Patreon, and take down the website at the end of next month. I'll also make a post about what the story had been. Unfortunately, for now, the regular Monday posts will come to an end, but I loved this format enough that I will be implementing it again in the future.

Speaking of the future, I have moved into a new living space for the next year or two, and rent is much more affordable, and I've had time to experiment with a new 3D Pipeline that *actually* works. I'll explain more about what that means later. For now, just know that upcoming projects will get a lot more dynamic, easier to produce, and less amateur. I've done some test renders and animations that I'm pretty excited about...but now it's time to close this chapter of my content, and prepare for the next phase.

Thank you for your continued support, some of you have been around for a *long* time, and I can't tell how excited I am to really show you what your support has contributed towards in a meaningful way. 

Talk soon!




Mate, I didn't get the SEARG 100%, but it sure was very entertaining and refreshing. I'm glad you had fun time making it. Very memorable transitional period. Hope you're well!


It was a good and interesting way to present all the content, but, I also didn't get it too. I don't even know if I miss a little or a lot of the "hidden" content, but, maybe in the future with new ideas, this will work!

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-24 18:15:58 good while it lasted however glad your in a much better place. thats very important and whatever you have next I am sure its going to be AMAZING! Like the rest of your work.
2023-09-08 22:51:56