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Project Trailer


T Taylor

ooh. a new website i’m guessing? either way i’m excited to see what you got coming.


Yeah Baby! Whatever this is, I'm all in

Señor Sanchez

I'm looking foward to this project.


This is marvelous !!!

John Partman

Really excited about this. Curious what feedback from the comments you are putting into these projects?


Hi! I implement feedback from Patrons pretty often. Examples being my survey question from a week ago, you'll see in the above trailer there is a scene with someone/something falling into a bowl of cereal, where previously it was a different food. I changed it because most people who answered wanted cereal. Natalie, from the Serial Experiments series is also another example. She was original from my one-off story "Just a Little Latte', but a few people reached out and wanted to see her again, so she's a main character in the Serial Experiments Series. I can't always implement every suggestion, but would hope that my long-time patrons would be able to vouch for me that I do implement ideas and feedback where possible, if it makes sense and in line with the things I typically make content about :)

John Partman

If you ever want any ideas check out my Deviantart sometime. I would love to see some of my work brought to life so to speak with your talents.