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Hello everyone! In my last update, I briefly mentioned spending a night in the hospital in late January.  They gave me some medication and I went home. A few days later, my symptoms were getting worse, not better, so I went back to the ER, where they admitted me to the hospital for almost a week.

I don't want to share too many details, but I was diagnosed with a chronic heart condition that is going to require serious life changes pretty quickly. It's serious enough that I'll be having regular visits with a cardiologist for the next few months just to make sure I don't go back into the 'danger zone'.

I did get back from the hospital the first week of February, but after weeks of thinking I was just exaggerating my symptoms in my head, it took a few days for me to realize how serious this was. If I had waited a few more weeks, I might have had a very different outcome. Needless to say, it took me a while to get back on the horse with art, and I still haven't quite figured out what it looks like. After I got back, I just really, really didn't want to sitting in a chair staring into a viewport, trying not to be a little worried about *gestures at everything I've already talked about*.

So, that's where I am. I'm slowly getting back into the groove of rendering, but it hasn't been very fast. In another update I'll show some progress on SE4, but the tone of this post doesn't quite feel right for it. I *am* going to have to make some changes, my lifestyle and workload is literally, actually killing me. I don't say that to get sympathy, but if I don't make changes then I might have to stop doing this altogether for a while. That's not the plan right now though!

For now, just know that I'm still working on SE4, but it will be shorter than expected, and will not be the end of the series like I planned. I'll drop a few teasers soon. Thanks for sticking around with my wildly inconsistent posting schedule, I hope to be back to regular updates again soon!



I'm sorry that you're going through all of that, hoping things get better for you soon

T Taylor

take your time man your health is top priority


I don't mind the slow progress, since nobody wants you to be in extreme life or death situation You know, giantess is great, but living actual decent life is so much better and important, even though we all hope to be vored by giantess goddess someday So please live as healthy as possible, live long, so that we can cherish you for long time


Whoa. I had no idea the guy revolutionizing this fetish (with killer animations) was dealing with such a serious medical condition. I'm very sorry to hear about this...