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I'll tell you, it's been a a challenge...

I've been trying to figure out what this page looks like for me for a while, basically ever since I decide to try doing animation over a year ago. My focus right now is to give you all the best I can make within reason. 'Streamer Food' is still at work, though the vast majority is done...but as usual, it's taking longer than usual, and with that longer timeline, expectations go up, so the scope gets bigger, so it takes longer...you see the struggle! But I've got a healthy idea of how long it will be, and how it will play out. I'm spending a lot of time staring at various scenes pieces thinking 'could I do this better, or would the extended timeline only yield a marginal improvement?' So that's where we are. This is why I don't like to give timeline's until I'm doing final edits.

So yeah it's like, really hard to spend so much time working on big projects and still produce content for you all supporting me. I dunno, maybe I should drop Patreon and just focus on selling on Gumroad? Ugh.

So here's what I considered, and I want your thoughts on a few things! I want to do a quick graphic novel (not a comic, the focus would be on writing) with intermittent images of a conversation I had with a friend that was pretty enjoyable, and drop that for you guys this month, but probably push Streamer Food out closer to the end of next month. I'd want to stretch my wings a little and do something in the 'mean/cruel not-unaware' area, because it's nice to change it up sometime. How do y'all feel about this? 

After 'Streamer Food', I *think* I'm going to focus on doing a very short animations, 30 - 60 seconds tops, and releasing a few a month going forward, just to get practice in the new software and deliver more content to you all. I don't think most of us are super enthused about the 2 months wait between significant content updates. So yeah!

Another thing I'm considering (and have already started planning for a trial-run) is using the still basically empty, unfinished Discord server to host  Patron-Only group roleplay sessions focused on unaware scenarios. The idea would be that I bring on a couple of stronger female roleplayers to roleplay some unaware women, while everyone else who participates would be playing shrunken people trying to survive...or whatever some of y'all do in roleplay. They would not directly interact with any one personal on purpose, but we'd use a chance or dice-based system to determine if they do something that effects your character, and would accompany it with the appropriate amount of gravitas and description to allow you to respond. It would remain Patron only ($10) because I would be paying the roleplayers for their time. If it worked well, we could make it a regular thing, maybe twice a month for Patrons only. I think it could be fun! I've pitched the idea to a couple friends and I have a some people on board. I just need time to actually *do* it...

Anyway sorry Streamer Food is taking so long it's coming along great here's some progress pics not shown in the trailer byyeeee xx





All those pics look amazing Honestly, I'm just here to support you, so as long as you keep share this kind of thing, I don't pretty much care more or less. I'm just happy if I can help you doing what you like to do. Graphic novels idea sounds great. I think you're kind of divergent sometime so it's good for you to do something refreshing with writing things, and it's win for us too since we can appreciate your story. Short animations idea sounds good, too. You can practice various things and try some new stuffs more easily. This might be helpful for you to improve your skill, and I like seeing you improving little by little. Lastly I'm not a RP type of person so I couldn't care less, but I think there can be a lot of creative situations. There are lots of people that love RP so I think it might be great for revitalizing discord server. Anyway, thanks for sharing. And keep chasing what you like to do. Because that's why I'm here, haha. Just don't compromise your health, ok?


If you’re going to do that long term, you are going to want to vastly adjust your pricing downwards. I don’t mind waiting 3-4 even more for big releases, as long as the value is there when they hit, but pricing has to be on point. That’s how a lot of animators seem to do well - especially in this community. 5-10$ a month tops, and I tend to forget about it. Most MMO subs are 15 or less, and that’s for something you can interact with 24/7. Short playloops can either be proof of concept or WIP’s which you don’t even have to clarify if you don’t want to be under pressure.