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Okay, I know, I know...

I just made a huge post about breaking up with Daz for animation. Yet, here we are, ankle deep into another Daz animation project that I'm super excited about. I've been tinkering and practicing in Blender regularly for a few weeks now (I can pretty easily do all the basics, and even have some decent test renders), but Im not making progress fast enough to give you all a quality project in Blender this month (and probably not next either).

So in my frustration, I started looking for a different animation project I could do, when I found these really high quality catwalk/runway animations, and fell in love. $60 bucks later I was setting up scenes that I was absolutely in love with.

Not quite ready to make a reveal, but for all it's bugs and difficult workflows, it feels nice to be using a program I'm familiar with, even if my plan is to switch all animating over to Blender soon. More soon!




T Taylor

ooo sneakers