Animation: Gentle Giantess Crush Clip (Patreon)
[Update: This is now available for $10 Patrons!]
My second half-decent animation! I'm excited about the progress I'm making with these. Though there is crush, there are still a lot of things I have to learn to make the crush a little more visceral and satisfying, such as fluid and particle simulations. There are a lot of tiny mistakes that I would like to fix, but I'm proud of this as a whole. As a reminder, this was inspired by the alternate ending of Gentle Giantess Survival Story. Considering it a secondary alternate ending...only animated!
This is going up early for top tier Patrons, ($25+) and will go up for $10 patrons later. Once I've started doing more animating and longer videos, then it may eventually go live for everyone. I really want your thoughts on this! Enjoy!