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'Senpai 2' will be out this week! With this in mind, it's time to start looking at the next project. Usually I reserve this for $25 patrons, and those top tier patrons will still be deciding the final ideas, but I'd like to get some general ideas from more supporters. Here's some options. Regardless of what choice wins, $25 patrons will get ANOTHER poll to help decide details! I just need some opinions on what direction to go for a while.

1. Another regular unaware story of 75+ images. If we go in this direction, as usual, it'll take me a few weeks to set up the story and characters, render the images, edit them, and then post. 

2. 2 - 3 shorter stories, 25 - 50 images. More frequent and varied content over the next few weeks with shorter stories that focus on a single aspect - feet, vore, in shoe, internal/digestion.

3. Finish 'Small Business' as one big final story. I get a lot of requests for this, and I think I'm ready to try it again. Some character models would have to change because of corrupted files.

4. Finish 'Small Business' as several small chapters. Same as above, just with a few uploads a week until it is done, with other random content. More regular updates.

5. Bigger animation project. I'm really, really wanting to get into longer animations, but it requires time that I don't have while still making regular stories. If I focus on 5 - 10 minute animation for a few weeks (while providing updates and other smaller pieces of content weekly) I think I could do something pretty good! I just can't do it while also making regular stories. This is really the direction I want to go, but I need your support while I do it. I've got a smaller animation project that I could finish in the meantime to prepare.

Thanks for all of your support! None of this is possible with you!



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