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Time to vote on what story will be featured for next month! The next story put out is going to be 'Getting Drunk at the Beach', but that's just a freebie for Vorevember. This decision is for the main story of December! Obviously all options are regarding unaware normal sized women and tiny shrunken people.

This poll will be up until next Sunday (the 29th), unless there is an overwhelming majority who choose to vote for one story or another, if that's the case, I'll end the poll early to give myself a few days to get an early start! Happy voting!


Aaron Pk

I really hope to see more vore-themed comics. I love how you did the stomach on the last one


I'm going to try! Sometime soon I'm going to make a more public post about why vore is more challenging, but if it isn't clear then I plan on doing more because it's very popular and there isn't much unaware food vore around, compared to foot content or aware vore. I do think that if you liked 'Just a Little Latte" that you're going to really enjoy "Getting Drunk at the Beach", which will be available (hopefully) by the end of this month, or early next month. I'm not even done rendering and I think I it's better than 'JALL' in a lot of ways.

Aaron Pk

I apologize about way back im not sure if you remember but I had said how I'd try and do further research into creating stomach scenes. I tried and ran into exactly the same trouble as you, it's difficult. Ideally, I would love to see an unaware food vore story that involves the people inside the stomach actually finding a way to escape (whether it is one way or the other.) There are a minimal amount of those stories and considering your tremendous talent im sure you can make it happen.

Aaron Pk

Don't overwork yourself though, you've been pushing out a lot of content in a small timespan which I am fortunate to see, just don't overwhelm yourself :)


Wow, this is tied 50/50 with most people having voted! If the poll ends and it is still tied, I'll let the the $10 tier vote as well :)