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Hey everybody!

As you may or may not know, I started this Patreon as a writer, then moved into digital art. It's been a fantastic ride, and I'm super excited to see where it's going to take me next.

I put out a *lot* of content. For top tier patrons, I put out 23 - 25 individual renders every week, more than 100 images every months (of course I miss some uploads here and again...) At first I don't think I really put much thought into how much work that is, and thanks to your support, rendering is the easy part. Most of my work gets rendered overnight, so I spent most of my time setting up the renders and doing post-work where necessary.

Which leads me to the point of this post. Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere! But I do need to do something more sustainable. I'm back to working full time again, and after a full day of work, I just don't have the time or energy to put in another hour or two of posing every night to get out all of these renders. As a result, Daily Dosage renders have suffered tremendously in quality, Small Business is consistently put on the back burner, and despite having a more powerful graphics card and processor, I've only been putting in the bare minimum on post work. Before I completely crash and burn, I'm going to take some time to do reassess this page. I won't be un-publishing the page, but next month I will be drastically reducing the amount of content that goes up here. It's time to put quality in front of quantity.

What does that mean for tiers? I'd love for everyone to stick around, but I am going to be focusing on two goals next month: switching my renders over to Blender, and producing a short animation. Each week, I'll post progress photos (and then just other fun stuff) each week.

I'll leave the decision to stick around in your hands, but I wanted to give you all time to consider whether or not you want to stick around, adjust your patronage, or explore some other artists of this genre. I'd rather take the financial hit and be up front rather than surprise you later.

So yeah! Expect at least one more update on Small Business and all of the other stuff you've paid for this month, but starting on August 1st, be prepared to embark on a journey oif rediscovery with me! I'm super excited and very much in need of this mental change of pace. Hope you'll stick around and try something different for a while! More info soon.




Love that you were honest about your situation! I hope things start going well and you get your energy back!! ^^


Thanks! I'd really rather stick around and keep everyone updated than push for another month then disappear :)