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"Have fun in my shoe, boys." Came the voice of the massive woman, as she tilted her Converse-style canvas shoe up on it's toe, sending the three tiny boys on the insole to roll deeper into the dark cave that she had dropped them into. "My socks are all washing, so I hope you don't mind hanging out with my toes for a few hours. I figured I'd go see your sister, Jake. Maybe ask her how the missing person's search is going. I can't imagine they've found you yet...haha."

Her voice both angered and scared the boys. Audrey had captured them days ago, and she'd carelessly subjected them to torment after torment, usually at her feet. Today was different though, she'd never left the house with them, especially not in her shoe.

Greg, the youngest of the boys at 22 years old, recovered most quickly from their tumble. Sitting up, he looked around the enormous landscape of Audrey's shoe. It was new looking, and still had a fresh scent to it. Not unlike the bedroom slipper they'd spent most of the day in yesterday.

"What the hell are we gonna do, Jake?! She's getting more and more dangerous, man! She didn't even look at her spoon after she dropped us in her cereal this morning!"

"I know...I know?! What do you want me to do about this?!" Jake barked back at his friend, trying to stand up. 

"She's your girlfriend, fucking tell her to make us normal again!"

"Yeah, she'll totally just do what I say. Okay, let me just shoot her a text and it'll all be fine." Jake rolled his eyed sarcastically.

"You got us in this mess, figure it out or..."

"Or what, Greg? What are you going to do?" Jake growled, prepared to slug the younger man in the jaw if it would get him to shut up.

"Guys...guys!" Oliver, the third of the trio screamed, pointing back out of the mouth of the shoe. The light was darkening, and they saw a familiar sight. Audrey's massive, wiggling toes were sliding inside her shoe, barreling towards them with no intent to stop."

"Here we go again...!" Greg screamed, diving to the ground like the others, and hoping Audrey's toes would spare them again.

With her left shoe slipped onto her petite little foot, Audrey smiled to herself, and made her way to the door.

[30 minute later]

"...I can't believe we've gotten this far." Jake said, pulling himself out of one of the shoe string holes in Audrey's sneaker. He looked around, the black canvas fabric of the shoe went on for football fields behind them. It would take an hour to hike across the top of Audrey's instep.

"Yeah, and look, she hasn't noticed us, look..." Greg pointed up, way up. Beyond the shoe's tongue and Audrey's protruding ankle, the bare leg of the woman's calf went on for miles. Higher up, her knee was crossed atop the other, and provided a perfect site line to Audrey's goddess-like face. She was gesturing wildly with her hands to someone.

"This is our chance..." Oliver said, trying to remain hopeful. "We can get away!"

"How? Her foot's not even on the ground, we're thousands of miles in the air!" Greg grumbled. "We can't just jump down..."

"But we can jump across..." Jake spoke up finally, pointing across the top of Audrey's shoe. The other two boys turned to look at what Jake was suggesting. Off in the not-too-far distance, another foot was hovering nearby. This one, wearing a blue, flat-heeled, Birkenstock sandal with matching toenails, belonged to Jake's 19-year-old little sister Isabelle. Her foot swayed gently nearby, close enough that it almost brushed against Audrey's sneaker.

"You're telling me, you think you we should jump from THIS giant's bitches' foot, to this other giant bitches' foot, who has no idea we're here, and might not even be able to see us without looking?"

"She's my sister, don't call her a bitch!" He turned fiercely to Greg, once again ready to pounce.

"You're crazy," Greg replied, staring out at the massive girl's mostly exposed foot. Her toes wiggled subtly as her ankle rocked. Despite being smaller than Audrey's foot, Isabelle's naked toes gave the whole foot an intimidating look. The sandal gave the foot so much more geography and terrain to explore or get lost in. You could get lost between the toes or stuck in the arch. You could scale the insole and fall back down along the ankle strap, or be crushed under the heel. Sure, most of these options were available with Audrey's sneakers, but seeing them presented so plainly sent a chill down Greg's spine. It didn't help that Isabelle was truly, completely unaware. At least Audrey wanted them alive for her enjoyment.

"Nope. Nothin' doin'." Greg complained again.

"Well, suit yourself." Oliver said, taking off at a sprint. "Audrey's got track tonight, have fun in those socks of hers!"

Greg and Jake watched Oliver sprint away across the toe of Audrey's shoe, making a beeline for Isabelle's sandal. Groaning, Greg took off at a sprint behind Oliver.

Jake was not so quick to move, however. He took a few steps, before looking up again, this time at his sister. She looked bored, barely paying attention to the inane ramblings of the woman who had captured him. He remembered how protective of her he had been while they grew up, and now, here he was, a speck of a person, about to dive across the small gap between her sandal and her friend's sneaker. 

He was pulled from his thoughts by Oliver's voice.

"AHH!" The man screamed, throwing his body off of the very tip of Audrey's shoe, launching himself into the air. Even Greg had stopped to watch the spectacle. They both stared, eyes wide, as Oliver swam through the air, as graceful as anyone could be...and grabbed the rubbery, cork-like texture on the sole of Isabelle's sandal.

"I did it! Guys, I did it! Hurry!" Oliver called victoriously, slowly trying to climb the last few feet to pull himself onto the blonde's sandal.

"Fucking...shit....AGH!" Greg was next, He flew through the air like Oliver did, following a similar trajectory. Despite being much more afraid, he was more athletic than either of the two men. Surely he would...

In a cruel twist of fate, Isabelle's sandal bucked millimeters, two meters for the shrunken boys, to the side, leaving Greg with nothing to hold on to. 

"NO!" Greg screamed, flailing in the air, helpless to do anything but fall.

"GREG!" Both Oliver and Jake screamed, the latter falling to his knees as the tall jock fell beneath his line of vision, down to the floor beneath both girl's shoes. He would die down there, Jake thought. If he somehow survived the fall, he was sure that Audrey's foot would come down on him, and if not, Isabelle's would.

"C-Come on, man....you can make it...!" Oliver's voice called out, still clinging to the toe of Isabelle's sandal. "Just...just focus on me...you can do it, wait for my signal...okay? Are you ready?"

"Y-Yeah..." Jake replied halfheartedly. He was not ready. He'd just watched Greg fall to his eventual doom. Now, here he was, about to attempt the same leap of faith. He could stay here, crawl back into Audrey's shoe like a good pet, hope that she eventually returned him to normal. Maybe Oliver would get Isabelle's attention and they'd come save him? Hah. Not without Audrey immediately crushing him to dispose of the evidence of her crimes. Staying with Audrey was death.

Or, he could take the chance. With Oliver's help, they could get Isabelle's attention and confront Audrey, and put an end to all of this. It could be over and in the past. But there were a lot of 'ifs' in that future, the first was right in front of him. He could only get Isabelle's help *if* he could make this leap.

"Stop thinking about it and get ready!" Oliver said impatiently.

Jake nodded, slowly pulling himself up to a stand. He looked across the white rubber toecap of Audrey's sneaker, across the massive chasm between the two women's shoes. He saw Isabelle's toes gently wiggling, an unconscious action to the massive girl above him. No time like the present.

"GO! NOW! RUN!" Oliver screamed, and Jake began to run. He pushed deep and pulled what little energy he had left into his sprint, trying to gain enough moment to compensate for unexpected movements by the giantess. He didn't want to land where Tom did, he wouldn't have been able to pull himself up. He needed to land on the insole of the sandal, right with Isabelle's toes.

He ran out of terrain to run, and pushed with all his might. His feet left the ground, and he began to soar. As he reached the peak of his jump, he felt a calmness surround him. There was nothing left but to hope. If he missed, he would die. If he didn't, he would live to fight for his life a few more minutes, at least. Either way, he was free from Audrey.


Here's a fun one-off and story! Ive been enjoying have some more sadistic and intentionally careless characters lately, but I can't completely abandoned the whole unaware thing. It's kind of my favorite. Hope you enjoy!




I like it! sounds like it's continued from another and could another story on it's own like Small Business? ^^;


This was just a one-off. :) I do it every now and then if I get particularly inspired. Probably not continued story here. Cool idea though!