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Greg couldn't believe that even with Amy standing on his shoulders, they were only barely as tall as the sole of the shoe they were standing next to. Jill's massive Converse towered over them  as she waited for them to return from wherever they went. They'd tried pounding on the rubber sole of her canvas-style sneaker, but received no response from the giantess above them. Eventually, Greg had an idea. The two eyelets on the side of the shoe, if they could reach the eyelets, they would have a clear shot to get Jill's attention. She wasn't wearing socks, so the warm flesh of Jill's exposed foot would be easy to reach. Amy agreed, after some convincing by Greg, and she climbed onto his shoulders and reach for the eyelet. Hopefully this would be the chance they needed to finally get Jill's help....but they would have to hurry. Her foot wasn't going to stay still for long!


More render practice. I'm really enjoying these! Still trying to get better with lighting and noise reduction. I'm really proud that I was able to get the tiny people into the poses that I wanted, that took a long time to do by hand. Cheers!



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