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Stephanie pulled her legs up to her chest, wrapping her arms around her knees and burying her face into them. People didn’t just shrink. People didn’t suddenly become the size of bugs for no reason. It was unreasonable to even consider. However, despite all logic and consideration of the realm of possibility, Stephanie was tiny, not quite as tall as the carpet fibers in the distance, and huddled in the shadow of her roommate’s sneakers.

They lay there, monolithic and unfathomable in power. Tracy’s black and white canvas sneakers had nearly crushed her, and it was only by luck that the tiny girl had survived, barely avoiding death under her roommate’s massive feet. Now, abandoned and toppled against each other, Stephanie was afraid to move. The mouth of one of the sneakers was open wide to her, the hardly worn insole still proudly displaying the logo at the heel. “Converse - 8”. It read. A perfect fit for the girl who owned them.

The shoes sat amongst a small pile of other shoes, near the entrance to the shared apartment. Though Tracy didn’t care about wearing shoes in the house, Stephanie did, and Tracy could at least respect that wish. As a result, most of the girls’ shoes were gathered at the entryway.

Stephanie and Tracy, despite being close friends, couldn’t be more different. While Tracy appreciated that the two were unique in their choices of clothing, food, party habits...most things, really, she had always shared a deep, unspoken bond with her. The two had similar childhoods, growing up in broken homes with an abusive parent, caught in the tumultuous relationship and used as a messenger between mom and dad, who often refused to speak to each other. They both wanted better for their own children in the future, but had responded in very different ways. Tracy had gone down a darker path, experimenting with drugs and giving herself to abusive men and women that never respected her or her body. Tracy had embraced the abuse and let it change her. Stephanie, however, shoved it all down and swallowed it, pretending that the years of trauma never existed. She pretended to be a well adjusted girl that had all of her shit together, but under the surface, it was falling apart.

Tracy’s footsteps could be felt for miles around. The lumbering 19-year-old’s bare feet may as well have been earthquake generators, or some other destructive force beyond Stephanie’s comprehension. Despite being in the relative safety of the pile of discarded shoes Tracy had just worn, the tiny girl could not help but feel that there was no place in the entire apartment that could be truly safe. At least, not until she regained her size.

Thoom. Thoom.

“Hey Steph, you home?” Tracy’s voice carried through the apartment, as the giantess glanced at the closed of Stephanie’s room. Stephanie wasn’t usually the type to leave without driving herself, she hated being stranded or unable to leave a bad situation. It stood to reason that Stephanie was asleep when Tracy got no response. It wasn’t too early, only 9 a.m., but she both girls had to work within a few hours.

‘Maybe she called out today.’ Tracy considered, as she made her way to her own room, after having pulled off her sneakers, bare feet settling on the vinyl flooring near the door. Clueless to the whereabouts of her roommate while she was out on a quick breakfast run, she quickly considered her plans for the day. Shower, laundry, work. Stephanie would have had the opposite schedule, work first, laundry, then shower. Stephanie hadn’t been heard from this morning, which was odd, but nothing to worry about yet. Shrugging, she took a sip of the coffee she’d carried inside with her, and prepared for a shower.

Meanwhile, Stephanie was gathering the courage to escape from this veritable hell of footwear and disaster. Beyond the shadow of Tracy’s Converse All-Stars was a pair of her own ankle boots. Beyond that, the soles of a pair of black shoes she couldn’t quite identify from here. If she was going to get Tracy’s help, she had to get out from under this pile of shoes, and get to somewhere that she could be seen. Whimpering at the prospect of traveling across her apartment at such a tiny size, she began to walk.

Tracy’s Chuck Taylors were still warm from being worn so recently. They didn’t smell terribly, but she could certain smell the subtle presence of Tracy’s feet in them, and even a bit of warmth. She must have been moving quite a bit while wearing them. She tried to ignore the details, cautiously walking under the archway caused by the shoes being toppled against each other. It was almost precarious, if Tracy had been more active, Stephanie would have gone around, for fear of the shoe toppling and landing on top of her. It would have meant instantaneous death. 

It only took a few moments to briskly walk underneath the abandoned footwear. As she emerged from the shadow of Tracy’s freshly worn shoes, another monolith stood before her, towering into the sky like a skyscraper. Her own brown, leather ankle boots were ahead of her, neatly placed against each other, and facing the wall, so that she had a clear shot toward the other side. Both were settled firmly on the ground, but still towered over Tracy’s sneakers.

Stephanie looked down at her own feet, currently bare. She wiggled her toes some, then looked up at her boots. An hour ago, her feet were large enough to fit in those titanic bulwarks of human design. She’d only had them for a few months, but with the weather beginning to warm up as winter came to an end, she’d begun wearing some cooler, more open footwear. 

She jogged several more steps until she reached the sole of her boot, placing a hand on the rubber sole. It was as tall as she was, which was daunting, but the heel of the boot was wide, tall, and chunky. It was easily the size of the three story apartment building she lived in, if not larger. The thought gave her an idea. It was a long shot, but she knew that Tracy would be going to work soon. She wouldn’t be wearing Stephanie’s boots without permission (that had not gone well last time), but she would be stopping by this area to put on her own shoes, probably her Chucks again. If Stephanie could reach the top, or at least near the top, the chances of her being seen would be better than any she’d had so far, in the short time she’d been shrunken. Climbing her own boots would be humbling, but that was better than wandering her apartment for hours, or worse, being stepped on by her oblivious roommate.

And so, she climbed. She pulled herself onto the sole of the boot, then glanced up to see the rest of the challenge. She was fortunate that these designer, fashion-forward boots had a swirling design along the fabric that made for a perfect handholds. She wasn’t much of a rock climber, or really athletic at all, but she wasn’t out of shape entirely. 

As she pulled herself up toward the instep of her own boot, using the patterned design to climb, she tried to put the thoughts of just how small she was out of her head. This climb would take the never several minutes to complete, and she would be exhausted by the end. It was a single boot, small enough to fit her own petite foot, and yet it was certainly the most robust challenge she had encountered in weeks.

After a proud effort on her own part, Stephanie pulled herself onto the instep of the boot, and took a quick break. Above, the straps and buckles that kept the shoe firmly on the foot were settled in place. They made for fantastic terrain, with plenty of places to grab ahold and climb, and other places to keep her footing. She was going to do it!

The tiny girl pushed herself forward, confident in her ability to surmount this obstacle and gain Tracy’s attention. As she moved to begin the most vertical portion of the climb, she looked out toward her left. Below, she could see the black rubber that made up the sole of the shoe she’d seen earlier. It was a flip flop, a simple black sandal, one of Tracy’s, actually. The sole was just a bit taller than the sole of her boot, but the synthetic, cheap material was springy and would make for a perfect place to fall if, god forbid, she were to slip.

Pulling herself up to the first buckle. She paused for a moment, taking a breath. Admittedly, after the initial fear had passed, and with Tracy still out of sight, this experience had gone from a horrible nightmare, to a challenging adventure. If she were not actually in danger, she might have enjoyed the idea, maybe even as a video game, or VR experience. The idea was interesting to say the least, she would have to….


The vibration of Tracy’s footsteps returned for the first time since she’d nearly stepped on the shrunken girl upon arrival. It sent a shudder through her spine, but motivated her to continue moving. Stephanie would be arriving soon. She climbed harder and faster, dedicated to reaching her goal.

Thoom. Thoom.

More footsteps from the raven-haired giantess signified her presence in the room. From her position by the door, she couldn’t make out where Tracy was standing, or rather, walking, but she knew she was nearby, and approaching quickly. She hoisted herself up to the buckle above her, clinging tightly to it, and rolled over the side of the strap. Now she stood at the highest plausible point of steady footing on the entire boot for a girl her size, and she reached it just as Tracy made her appearance.

Tracy lumbered into view, a goddess among ants, wrapped in a towel, her hair pulled back into a wet ponytail, and still damp from her shower. There was annoyed look on her face, one that came often, but usually didn’t mean much, and was gone in minutes. The white towel covered the distance from her breasts to her thighs. She was moving quickly, too, footsteps quickening as she approached the door.

“Tracy! Down here!” Stephanie began to scream, grabbing ahold of the edge of her boot to keep her balance, Tracy’s pounding footsteps shaking the floor of the third level apartment they shared. “Help me! Tracy!” She called out helplessly, right up until Tracy’s shadow darkened the sky, and the towering giantess loomed over her. Below her? And unrestricted view of Tracy’s two massive, bare feet, each adorned with the outline of a few colorful stars along her instep. She remembered going to the tattoo parlor with her, but being too afraid to get her own tattoos. Now, Tracy had a small handful of them. The toes shifted casually, the simple black nail polish fading some.

She was reaching down, looking to grab something. The immense woman’s entire form was leaning down and forward. Had she done it? Had she really managed to garner Tracy’s attention so easily? 

Not hardly. Stephanie ducked, gasping in fear as Tracy’s hand flew overhead, Instead of reaching to take Stephanie into her hand, she was grabbing a pair of slippers nearby. Peeking from her crouched position, she watched the fluffy, cruise-ship sized pair of footwear lifted into the sky above her...mostly.

Tracy had always been a klutz of sorts. It was a cute feature about her, when it didn’t directly contribute to the sabotage of Stephanie’s safety. Apparently in a rush, Tracy’s slippers barely bounced against Stephanie’s boot as they passed by, nearly knocking the shoe over in her rush. Unprepared for such a cataclysmic event, Stephanie went tumbling right off of the side of her boot, toward the floor below. Despite being unprepared for the fall, she had done the required positioning earlier, and instead of falling to the hard ground below, landed with a heavy, but survivable impact on the surface of the black flip flops from earlier.

It took her a moment to recover. The tiny woman breathed heavily as she reopened her eyes, curled up on the heel of her roommate’s sandal. Just a few yards away, she could see Tracy’s feet sliding into the pink slippers, her enormous, bare feet causing trembles throughout the area. She focused on the toes for a moment, painted with black nail polish, something she didn’t often do, usually preparing to leave them unpainted. The polish was fading, and slightly chipped, evidence of how little she cared about it.The toes scrunched back and forth as they squirmed into the slipper, before disappearing inside, leaving Stephanie to watch as the exposed heel lifted from the ground, temporarily exposing the pale sole of the girl’s foot, before the heel of the slipper followed along, slapping softly against the smooth flesh. The next foot repeated this pattern, and with a heavy thud, Tracy was gone. Moments later, so was Stephanie, fainting at the experience she’d just had at her roommate’s feet.

She awoke only a few minutes later, going over the events that unfolded a few minutes ago. It was a habit that Stephanie discouraged, but had given up on years ago. Tracy would shower, then head downstairs to a communal laundry room in just a towel, dress herself downstairs, and come back up fully clothed. Conservative neighbors had complained, but there was nothing anyone could do, short of trying to have them evicted.

Rolling onto her back as her roommate slammed the door, the displaced air tossing her hair around for a moment, Stephanie considered a plan. The only reason the boot plan didn’t work was because Tracy hadn’t stayed there for long. Putting on and tying a pair of sneakers...that would take more than a moment, and Stephanie only needed a few seconds of Tracy’s focus to gain her attention. She would try again. She stood, and took in the expanse of the massive insole of the flip flop.

It was huge, to say the least. The textured rubber surface stretched into the distance, just as the other shoes had. This was different though, other than the brief view of the insole of Tracy’s Chucks, she had not been fully exposed to the insole of a shoe before. She took a quick look around, and realized that she was standing in a gentle crater made by the presence of Tracy’s powerful heel. Disconcerted by the idea of Tracy’s foot residing here, she quickly jogged along the surface of the sandal and slipped off the edge, landing rather gracefully on the ground a few feet below.

Across from her, the opposite side of her ankle boot had remained undaunted by the attack from the slippers. She stood in the impressive archway of the boot, and turned toward the toe, finding that the sole of the boot and the sole of the adjacent flip flop created a nice, nearly straight alleyway for her to walk along. She did so, admiring both as she approached the toe of both pairs of shoes.

It only took a few moments for her to reach her starting place for another attempt to scale her boot. The climb had been difficult, but not impossible. Another go at it would be only slightly more challenging, given her exhausted energy. She placed her hands on the sole, and began climbing once again.


The sound of Tracy’s return hurt her ears, the creaking, loud door hinges grating into her ears. Tracy had never tried to be subtle when moving in and out of the apartment, and today was no different. She had barely pulled herself onto the sole of the shoe when Tracy returned, and the event caused her to nearly lose her grasp. She pulled herself aboard, then peered down the long alleyway between the flip flop and the boot.

Tracy’s massive, fuzzy slippered feet crashed into the ground as she stepped inside again. The pink, fluffy behemoths dominated Stephanie’s view as she moved by, sending tremors through the ground. Stephanie must have been unconscious for longer than she thought, noting the change in attire on the giantess above. She was dressed now, all but those slip-ons that adorned her feet. Shorts and a black t-shirt, hair still pulled back into a damp ponytail. That was all she needed for work. As an artist for a private studio, Tracy didn’t have any official uniform, this was about as much as she was required to wear. Bunded in her arms was the towel she wore, and Tracy’s annoyed frown had shifted into an impassive one.

“No, no!” Stephanie panicked, watched her clueless roommate’s feet storm past. “Tracy, wait!” She called out, trying to pull herself into a more visible place. Unfortunately, she was not quick enough, and Tracy walked by with a few more tremors, and disappeared into her room. Frustrated, but not ready to give up, Stephanie pushed past her second failure’s mental weight, and began climbing again.

This second climb seemed to go more quickly, having already found a momentum from the last attempt, she resumed her steady climb, reaching the instep of the boot in record time. It made her feel good, the adrenaline, the desperate attempts to survive, the idea of getting Tracy’s attention, despite the odds. She would overcome this challenge, and when Tracy acknowledged her, she would celebrate...and maybe ask to try again.

“Steph? Hey, Stephanie, I’m going to work…” Tracy could be heard from her room. The sound of keys jingling, the tremor of her footsteps. This was it, the final chance for help. It would be hours, if not days before she got another opportunity, Tracy often didn’t sleep at home.

“TRACY!” Stephanie called out, pushing herself to climb higher, harder, faster. She ascended the buckles and straps of her boot, breathing heavily, sweating profusely by now. “Tracy, you have to see me!” The tiny blonde called out, hoping for any opportunity, now matter how small. She pulled herself back onto that same ledge on the buckle of her boot, and stared out into the distance.

Tracy arrived. As towering as ever, very little had changed, other than her hair messily falling to her shoulders. Her footsteps still thundered through the apartment, feet still encased in the fluffy slippers. Stephanie was prepared for the steps this time, and easily kept her balance amidst her roommate’s powerful footfalls.

Thoom, thoom. THUD.

Once again, standing directly over her, Tracy had paused directly in front of Stephanie’s boots, unaware of the shrunken woman that desperately cried for her attention, hands waving in the air. From here, Tracy’s comfortable, padded bedroom shoes took up more room than even Stephanie’s boots, ensuring that they would easily, gently support the woman’s soft soles and wiggling toes. It was a frightening sight, especially as Tracy began to remove them.

This was it, her plan had come to near fruition. Tracy would spend the next thirty seconds changing into her sneakers, more than enough time to let the bug-sized girl flag down her enormous roommate, and get the help she deserved.

“TRACY!” She screamed yet again, her voice beginning to hurt. Her arms were getting tired, and her legs were sore, but she kept working, trying to make herself as loud and visible as possible. If she didn’t, she’d be lost here until Tracy returned, living this hellish life among the carpet fibers.

But Tracy didn’t respond. Tracy was completely clueless to her roommate’s plight, and could hardly notice the bug sized girl at her feet. Instead, she pulled off her slippers one at a time, and lifted her wiggling her toes, preparing to put on her shoes of choice.

“Please Tracy…!” A slightly less impassioned plea from the shrunken girl, bracing herself once again as Tracy’s feet exposed themselves, pale toes slipping out of the enormous slippers and wriggling around to terrify her. The slim, soft toes were the size of busses, easily able to crush the miniaturized girl between them. The dark toenail polish reflected the light of the room, glinting a bit. She couldn’t say that Tracy’s feet were particularly beautiful, but she was not a fetishist, nor was she a foot model scout. 

Both feet now free of their slippers, she expected Tracy to reach for her sneakers, putting the tiny girl directly in her roommate’s line of sight. A better plan had never been acted upon, and her heart pounded in her chest at her victory.

But instead, Tracy’s foot, free of the slipper, began to move forward, in Stephanie’s direction.

“Tracy? What are you doing?!” Stephanie gasped, the ominous toes of her roommate’s pale feet come ever closer. “Tracy, no! You can’t borrow my shoes! We already discussed this!” She screamed, panicking at the prospect. This was a fatal error...she’d trusted Tracy far more than she should have, and as Tracy’s toes pointed gently at the boot, Stephanie screamed.

The impact of Tracy’s toes with Stephanie’s boot was unlike any event so far, sending the girl toppling over, now dangling by the buckle with both hands. The entire surface she rested on slid several inches to the side, widening the alleyway between them and Tracy’s flip flops. With Stephanie’s boots out of the way, Tracy was slipping on her skimpy beach sandals for a lazy day of work. 

But Stephanie was still a few dozen feet off of the ground. She might not have been in danger of being knocked into her boot or speared by Tracy’s toes, but there was still a very real fear of falling to death. She stared up at Tracy, who was staring at her phone now, having put on her shoes.

“Tracy...please…” She was weak, after two trips to the summit of her own footwear, Stephanie was too tired to keep her strength. “I...I can’t hold on…” Her grip loosened. Her fingers burned...and finally, she fell.

Free fall was not something she had much experience with, but in the midst of a second time of falling from this height, she knew what to expect on the way down. She also expected that the floor would not be as forgiving as the foam of Tracy’s shoes. But the floor was not what she landed on.

Preparing for the first step with her flip flops in place, Tracy’s foot shifted forward, knocking into Stephanie’s boots one last time. The tiny girl falling from the footwear’s ankle-high distance tumbled onto the instep of her roommate’s mostly bare foot, as it swung forward to take her first step. Landing unceremoniously on the fleshy field, Stephanie rolled end over end across the warm, smooth surface of Tracy’s foot, tumbling down toward the thong of the shoe, just above Tracy’s toes. She opened her eyes for a moment, the slope of Tracy’s foot instead had become a gently sloping incline, and once again, the tattoo of interlinking stars brought color to the otherwise pale, fleshy foot.

The footstep’s gentle arc came to an end with an anticlimactic slide across the floor. Stephanie rolled to a stop under the thong of the shoe, whimpering and heaving as the foot landed. Instead of falling to her death on the ground, Stephanie had fallen onto Tracy’s foot, and now clung desperately to the thong.

“Tracy...please notice me…” She begged between her sobs, refusing to look at the massive, wiggling toes, inviting her toe play. “Please, please help me…”

Above, Tracy noticed a tiny tingle along the top of her foot. Her lip curled, brows furrowed, and she lifted her other foot above the toes of the first.

The shadow of Tracy’s flip-flop descended as quickly as Stephanie had noticed its presence. As dark as the black flip-flop itself, Stephanie began to moan as her roommates toes carried the platform into place...and pushed along the top of her foot.

“No, Tracy, don’t squish me!” She screamed in horror, curling up under the protection of the flip-flop’s thong. She braced for impact, sobbing as the other shoe slid along Tracy’s skin, flattening and rubbing the surface. From under that thin toe strap, she could see both sets of toes, one ominously sliding back and forth along Tracy’s instep, adorned in the rubbery flip flop, the other, still gently wiggling in response to the other foot’s stimulation. 

She let go of the thong, unable to hold on during the rhythmic gyrations of her roommate’s foot’s antics. As the flesh beneath her shifted and move under the weight of Tracy’s simple rubbing motion, Stephanie tumbled the last few inches off of the thong, and into the grasp of the menacing toes.

She tumbled between them, Tracy’s big toe to her right, the others to her left. Bouncing back and forth on the way down, she landed on her chest, coughing heavily. There was much less light between the toes, and though her sobbing had stopped, she had returned to whimpering in the presence of Tracy’s powerful toes.

“I’m literally lint between her toes…” She thought to herself, trying to come to grips with her new resting place. The cavern between the woman’s towering toes was eerie, though smelled of her body wash, if not tainted with a bit of sweat. Still though, the creepy sounds of world beyond the toes was anything less than comforting, and she wanted to escape immediately.

“I don’t want to die here…!” She spoke aloud this time, pushing herself up to stand, only to fall back over as the adjacent toes began to squirm, signifying that Tracy felt her presence there. “Please don’t kill me Tracy! Not here, not like this!” She wailed, crawling on her hands and knees along the surface of the flip flop, freedom only a few yards ahead. Tracy’s toes were indomitable, Stephanie couldn’t imagine how much more powerful the rest of the foot was.

Above, finally sending the irritation atop her foot between her toes, Tracy inverted her foot and tapped the toe on the floor. Free of the disturbance, she shoved her phone in her pocket, and headed out of the door.

Stephanie didn’t have to endure the torment much longer. As she crawled among the wiggling toes of her enormous roommate, she felt the world turning. She begged for freedom, this must be Tracy’s first step. She braced herself again, and again, was surprised.

The world flipped vertically. What was once her floor became the wall, and Stephanie began to slide forward, rolling and tumbling the last few yards, until she crashed into the ground. Quickly rolling onto her back, her tear-soaked eyes closed tightly as the sole of the flip-flop she had been trapped on swung overhead, the air sending her rolling forward several more feet. With a massive thud, the foot landed just ahead of her. She’d escaped Tracy’s foot...but had only been acknowledged as a tickle. 

“No…” She moaned, lacking the energy to scream anymore. The torment she’d endured at this woman’s feet was enough to drive a lesser woman insane, and Stephanie was slowly crossing that line. 

She heard the door opening. Tracy was leaving. Nearby, Tracy’s other foot, the one that had tried to squish her under its sandal, was moving. The heel lifted first, flexing at the arch and putting the sole on full display for the tiny one nearby. The toes, those terrible, awful toes, squeezed together unison as Tracy’s weight was lifted from them, while keeping the sandal itself rooted to the ground.  Once the powerful heel had lifted dozens of feet into the air, the toes finally lifted as well, and the heel of Tracy’s sandal flipped back to meet the sole of her foot, with a resonating thwack. The sound of rubber meeting soft flesh of Tracy’s sole resonated in Stephanie’s ears, and she fainted again at the sudden crack of sound. After nearly stepping on her multiple times, Tracy’s lumbering, pale feet had stepped out of the apartment, leaving Stephanie with an everlasting vision of the girl’s flip-flops slapping against her soles. Abandoned and with only that last powerful memory, Stephanie let her unconscious body rest. Her first experience with the massive, clueless girl she shared her home with had gone far worse than she hoped, leaving her in a devastated place, mentally, and emotionally. It would be hours before she had another chance at salvation, at best. But, as last time, her rest was short lived. The door swung open again.

“Fucking forgot my Chucks…” Tracy complained, stepping inside the door again.

Stephanie was only given a few more seconds to experience it. Truly, she didn’t quite know what she was experiencing fully, her eyes had barely opened when the door opened again. The sole of Tracy’s flip-flop darkened her world, and before she could react, darkness fell around her. Stephanie’s body disappeared under the tread of Tracy’s quick footfall, as she stepped back inside to grab her sneakers between her fingers. Stephanie’s body offered no resistance, the massive sole of the sandal breaking her body, and leaving the girl as a fine paste beneath her unwitting roommate’s foot. Tracy never noticed the death of her friend, and worse, carried her remains beneath her skimpy shoe for only as long as it took to reach her car, before it was carelessly lost to the pavement forever.


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