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Okay - so this month is gonna be weird! 

As soon as Molly's Microscopic Monday dropped last month, I had a plan for an animation short in iClone to do a hard shift out of Daz. It was a really ambitious idea, and probably just too much, so after a week of working on it, I decided to put it on the back burner. I decided to do a vore-focused comic instead, because I saw a food asset I really liked and was going to use as the primary focus. I worked on it for about another week casually until this past Saturday... and suddenly, it stopped working. I couldn't get scenes to render. I spent two days trying to troubleshoot, but Daz would crash half way into each render.

And then I also remembered that I'll be out of town for at least a week, if not two, at the end of the month. So...I had about a week and a half to get EVERYTHING done, so I could upload everything before leaving town and schedule it to post. And I was already a week behind. I usually start new projects the last week of the previous month, render for two weeks or so, edit for a week, and post right at the buzzer to give top tier patrons early access. I had to do all of that in about a quarter of the time.

So, that's not gonna happen...

And honestly, Im not sure exactly how this is gonna play out right now. Im going on a trip next week for, let's call it 'work', and taking vacation the following week. Im probably going to cut my out of state vacation short and make it more of a staycation to finish up this month's content. As a heads up - that may be a little bit of a mixed bag. I started a new project, the one you see above, so there's your new project, and I'm nearing halfway through rendering, but I only have three days until I leave. Best case scenario - I finish most of the renders, but editing won't happen until I get back.

I will likely split this story into two shorter stories, give you all the first half this month, the second half next month, and supplement with some quick animation tests I was really happy with from last month. Speaking of last month, the vendor I that made the toast from last month's story also made the super high resolution nutella-covered toast form this month. It was easy to use and beautiful to render, so I snagged it to save time.

Back to work for me! Buckle up in either case, we're going deep into the belly of the beast (...or brunette) this time!




T Taylor

have you ever thought about animating some of your older stories? like splitting up in to “episodes” or something as to not overwork yourself

光哲 吴

Hello UE,I'm a fan from China,I really like your works,and my English is not good,but I hope you'll get some rest in the trip,cause we don't want you to work too hard,so have a nice day!!!


I've thought about doing more episodic content, but the thing is I get Bored *really* easily. That's why so much of my stuff unfortunately doesn't get finished, once I get tired of something I dread going back to it. SEARG didn't suffer from this so bad because the video were so short, and I enjoy animating more than comics. Buuutt animation in Daz in way harder than it should be, or I'd probably be doing primarily animation right now. It takes me days to do in Daz what I can do in other programs in hours. But Daz looks way better out of the box. So...that's where I am.