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Hi there, everyone, this is Agang and I'm here to wish you a Happy Year of Dragon!

As always I'm presenting you the free wallpapers for this special day. Hope you like them!

During the past year (the Year of Bunny,) we’ve brought you the final update for VIRTUES, 5 updates for PHOENIXES, and an extra chapter for PHOENIXES. We hope our work over the year has brought you some moments of joy, and we aim to deliver more joy to you in the coming Year of Dragon.

We were supposed to share this annual plan for 2024 by the end of last December, but I was occupied with the v9 update at that time. Sorry for the delay. But perhaps the delay was actually a good thing. After the release of v9, we reevaluated our working capacity and had a more accurate sense of what we can accomplish in a year without making unrealistic promises.

Firstly, the updates of PHOENIXES will undoubtedly continue to be our main and most important focus this year. Over the past year, you’ve built romantic relationships with Heather and Sorring, and you’ve transformed from a nobody in the city to a pivotal figure as well. You also have learned some unique ways to use magic, and you will definitely gain a deeper understanding of them in the future.

Over the next 365 days, we will bring you at least 5 major updates for PHOENIXES. Your fame and influence in the city will rise to the next level, and you will meet more girls and have more girlfriends. Osonia and Alnilam will be your next two girlfriends, and there will be more of them~

We will continue to make new features and optimizations with each update. However during the iterative process, there will unavoidably be bugs and sometimes strange issues on certain devices (For example, in v9, some AMD CPUs seems to have abnormal usage, and the button to create new saves seems to malfunction on some Samsung devices. If you’ve encountered such issues, please let me know. I don’t have an AMD CPU or a Samsung phone, so I need more feedback from you to identify the problems.)

While maintaining a stable update frequency for PHOENIXES, we will also make 1 what-if chapter for VIRTUES, 1 what-if chapter for PHOENIXES, and 1 extra chapter for PHOENIXES this year. The first what-if chapter for PHOENIXES will be released soon after the v10 update. In this chapter, Alnilam will have the same dress as in the wallpaper above. More information will be revealed after v10.




阿刚 Happy Chinese New Year!





Callahan Darc

I hope for more VIRTUES content! Rachel still feels so unfinished!