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Hi everyone, this is Agang,

half a month ago, I sought opinions on whether there should be a scene about bump fetishism and received a lot of responses. Thank you for all your votes and comments. The majority of people seem to like that idea, but there are also around 20% of people who don’t like it. I can’t disregard the opinions of over 1/5 of patrons, so I’ve decided not to have this scene in v9.

Some might be disappointed at it, I’m sorry about that and I feel it is necessary to explain why I made that poll:

I’ve been thinking about a scene about bump fetishism for a year. Among all the main girls, there’s one who actually gets a big belly periodically. She’s not pregnant yet, but every week her belly would grow big like a woman in the second trimester for hours and then return to normal again. She has a good reason for that temporary change in her body and it is not weird or hardcore at all. I haven’t explicitly revealed this… trait of hers in the main story yet, but I’ve hinted at it through some minor events. Perhaps some people have guessed who she is.

I’m certain that one day there will be one or more lewd scenes about that girl with her unpregnant bumpy belly in the game, but I just didn’t know if v9 is the right time to do that. If I make it in v9, it will be a part of an IMPORTANT plot, and I was worried it might not be a good idea to add a somewhat controversial fetishism in such an important story moment.

Now, based on the poll results, I realized that v9 isn’t the right time for that scene so I’m not going to do it. But for those who like it, don’t worry, I’ve heard your voice and I’ll make sure to make this scene into a less important plot very soon.

Now it’s time to briefly introduce more about v9 besides things that have been mentioned in the last post. Note that it won't be all of the new stuff, more information about the update will be revealed later:

- We plan to further improve the guidance, like giving players a prominent notification when there is a new unlockable upgrade in the club, and providing more detailed hints for girls’ next intimacy milestones in the Status screen.

- We are working on a better-looking dialogue box. The current one is just too plain, isn’t it?

- With the relationships between you and the girls progressing significantly, it’s time to add more harem stuff to the game. There will be a new repetitive type of event: the Harem Playlet. By experiencing one you will be able to raise girls’ harem acceptance levels. Yep, some good old stuff since VIRTUES.

- Moreover, I’m starting another round of remaking old images with poor lighting and shadows.



- The story of v9 will be mainly focused on the elven sisters. After having Heather as your girlfriend in v5, it is finally time to build a formal romantic relationship with the second girl. The harem life is coming~





Thank you for listening to us 💙😂 #bellyhaters

