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I have problem with load save from v5.5 into v6, is there a solution to it?


I went from version 5 to version 6, with no issue. Was able to continue game. Progressed and unlocked the entire available gallery, but when I closed the game and reopened the game, I had barely any of the gallery unlocked. My progress is still to the point where the entire gallery is unlocked, just the gallery isn't unlocked like it originally was.


omg that sounds bad. Is 'continue' still available after the gallery locked up again? And please tell me more information about your device. Is it a pc or an android phone? If it is a pc, is it win11 or win10?


Sorry about that! I'm on PC. I am on Windows 10. If I do hit continue it does load up my last save where all my progression is. Currently all the women in the story progress have the box that says "You have reached the end of her story for now, please wait for future updates."


Also, I did delete the original version 5 of the game, after I played some of version 6. Would that have affected the gallery? My save loaded right up on the version 6 when I loaded the game. I figured all update to my version 6 from version 5 after I played it some. Most games I've played in the past, once you install a newer version, and you save your game in the newest version, even if you had loaded the previous version's save, the new version then has your my current save. Even me typing all this out sounding confusing! Sorry if it comes out that way!


yeah, now this problem indeed became much more confusing, but it is not about your description but the problem itself. It is perhaps the craziest problem I've heard. I'd like to explain why it is so crazy to me if you want to know, but I guess you won't because it'll be a pretty long story. If it is possible, please do me a favor and try to unlock any scene in the gallery again, such as Sorring and Heather's interrogation scenes. I believe it will be easy for you to do that. And once you unlock those scenes in the gallery again, try to close and reopen the game, see if those scenes are still shown properly in the gallery. If not, see if the 'continue' button is still available now.


basically what I want to make sure of is whether your gallery will be broken again every time you reopen the game or not


So I did the two interrogation scenes, which saved to the gallery when I went back to the main menu. Closed the entire game, and reloaded it, and the gallery was back to having only like 3 scenes unlocked, which those two were not part of. For some reason when I click continue when reopening the game, it defaults me to my game which says it is "Week 5 - Monday - Evening." My furthest game is "Week 11 - Friday - Afternoon." If I just save and go to the main menu, then hit continue it will open up the week 11 save. But still no full gallery. If I close the entire game and open it back up, it still defaults to the Week 5 game at continuing.


Thanks for the info. Would you please take a look in your saves menu and try find that 'week5' save for me? I need to know when it was created


Also, could you please send me your entire 'logs' folder? It is at %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Godot\app_userdata\Phoenixes You can send it to me through Discord or upload it on Workupload or something

karan bharat

the link provides a full v.6 game right? will it be okay if i jump to this straight from v.4?

Ivory Alexander

Is there any way to permanently change the default save folder location? No matter how many times I have uninstalled and reinstalled it always makes the default save location in my c drive when I want it in my D drive. and no matter how many times I try to move the folder a new one just keeps popping up in the C drive when I make another save


of course, just download the full game instead of that update patch. Your old saves are still usable.


I'm sorry but unfortunately, there isn't a way to do that. Please understand that we have to set the default save folder in C drive because there are people who don't have a D drive on their devices. And it is not changeable for players because it requires coding. And please understand that it is not abnormal for us to do that. Most adult visual novels have a save folder in C drive too, such as all the Renpy games. They have a save folder in your game folder but they also have a backup folder in your C drive.

